Wazifa For Husband Attraction

Wazifa For Husband Attraction
Wazifa For Husband Attraction

Wazifa For Husband Attraction

Wazifa For Husband Attraction or to attract husband towards wife can be use for husband to listen to wife. We will provide you dua to get husband attention. Every woman in their teens hopes for a good husband. They look for a husband who will spend hours with them and will fulfill all their wife’s demands. But in a world full of the hustle and bustle, your husband rarely will tediously sit beside you. And will listen to all your complaints and achievements for the entire day.

They don’t have the time to attend to you. But don’t get hopeless Islamic duas are always there which you can look for as a solution to such problems. With the wazifa to attract husband towards wife, you can claim all the attention of your husband. Then he will start thinking about you. He will leave no scope to pamper you and compliment you if required. Your husband will turn into a completely new person. This wazifa is a great wish-fulfillment mechanism for all housewives to seek attention from their husbands.

Wazifa For Husband Attraction
Wazifa For Husband Attraction

Are you having a difference of opinion with your husband, and disputes are happening regularly! Then there’s a wazifa for the husband to listen to his wife, saving your family from separation. With this, your husband will start listening to you with this wazifa. Also, he will no longer find himself superior to you. If your husband is also not paying attention to small differences in you or how beautiful you look on some precious day! Then maybe there’s a third woman who is spreading her jealousy with her evil eyes on you. And the dua to get your husband’s attention will attract your husband’s look on you.

Wazifa To Attract Husband Towards Wife

Wazifa To Attract Husband Towards Wife, As you consider your husband as your soulmate, your guardian, confidant, and a true friend. So you share every small secret of yours with him. But an important turn in your family comes when he is not getting enough time to look at you. Due to which he casually starts to neglect you.

Soon, you can get over such kind of mental worries by applying the wazifa to attract husband towards wife. If you perform this dua wholeheartedly, your husband will manage time for you even if he has a busy schedule.  Your husband will start finding new excuses to meet you daily.

Do this wazifa to attract husband towards wife in this manner:

  • On the day of Eid ul Fitr from the evening, it starts the wazifa.
  • So your usual Maghreb namaz and along with it silently pray to Allah.  It can make your husband give proper attention to you.
  • Then recite the surah with correct pronunciation:

azizi ali b, ladaya kli shay’ fi hayati biaistithna’ shay’ kabir turid aimra’at fi hayatihim layas lady hubun zujiun bad alan la yahtamu hataa yaqdi alwaqt Maria alraja’ musaeadatay Arab liltaghalub alaa hadha al hijaz mae hdha aldiqat saeiduni fi aleawdat ‘ilayh fi hayati 

Repeat the surah ten times, and within a week, you can witness massive changes in your husband. He will again turn into your friend and will support you in everything. He will give priority to you over everything. Also, try to trust in Allah as he is everyone’s guardian. He watches us and makes the bridge to overcome every block.

Wazifa For Husband To Listen To Wife

Wazifa For Husband To Listen To Wife, If both you and your husband are of dominating nature, your family will regularly notice unwanted disputes. Arguments will be your daily partner. Along with this disruptive environment in the family, naturally, both you and your husband will opt for separation. As a result, your dream will break gradually. So,  don’t encourage conflicts to overshadow your relationship, as it’s your responsibility now to make your bond healthy. Know what dua to read for my husband to love me more to get your husband listen to wife.

Therefore, the husband’s wazifa to listen to wife is your lifeline which will change the type of character your husband possesses now. With this wazifa, your husband will start accepting suggestions and different outlooks from you. With this, he will welcome all your decisions in his life and even will thank you for your advice. The wazifa for a husband to listen to his wife will transform your family completely into a peaceful home. Do this wazifa in this procedure:

  • In May, on any Wednesday, start the wazifa.
  • In the morning, do your fajr namaz and after that recite durood e, Sharif, without missing any portion from it.
  • Then recite the ayat:

ealaa eaks al akharin laday zawj mubarak walakun hunak mushkilat huna ‘aydaan zawji qawiun jiddaan birayih wala yaqbal ‘ayu wijhat nazar ‘ukhraa Syria jaeal zujiun Maran aleaql

If possible, try to recite this ayat fifty times without any break of concentration. For this, you can sit and pray to Allah in a room where there are no sounds and another source of interruption. Along with this, follow this wazifa for one month, and soon after, your husband will listen to all your views and appreciate you in time.

Dua To Get Husband’s Attention

Dua To Get Husband’s Attention, Husband is such a person you cannot afford to share with anyone. As his love for you is indivisible. Under his arms every night, you find the feel of heaven, and this feeling is unfounded anywhere. But not every love story is smooth. Because of that, you have to face hurdles at some point in your relationship. And if the main problem is the evil sights from outside women, then it’s high time to take action.

Pray to Allah by using the dua to get husband attention and get your husband’s attention back to you. But do the procedure consciously.

  • So, you should start the dua during the morning fajr prayer.
  • Recite Fi Adam al rib ten times to express your thankfulness to the ultimate power.
  • Then recite the ayat to complete the dua to get  husband attention:

baladay subhanah wata la laqad aistamaet li fi kl marat ‘atdhakruk alan eayan alshar tuhawil admire eayilati hi alan tuhawil fasalna tamamaan sahruha al aswad yaemal ‘aydaan li’ana zuji la yahtamu bi ya Rabu saeidni fi al usul ealaa zawjiin yrja alqiam bishay’ ma bihayth ymkn ‘an yabda maratan ‘ukhraa habaniin

Try to recite the dua thirty times to complete the process. With this, your husband will come back to you and will provide ample attention to you. But in case after two months the dua to get husband’s attention doesn’t start working, maybe the evil eye has done some black magic on you. In such a case, visit the molvi Ji, who will guide you to overcome such cases. This, the wazifa for husband attraction, is an attempt by Allah to make your family look beautiful.

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