Islamic Dua For Barakah

Islamic Dua For Barakah
Islamic Dua For Barakah

Islamic Dua For Barakah

Islamic Dua For Barakah can be use in business, marriage life and home income, If you want dua for barakah to solve all related problems then ask to our Muslim expert and get solution.

Barakah is the word which means gain more productivity on fewer sources, create a big business on a single starting, doing more hard work in less amount of time and generating more amount of money with the blessings of Allah Subhan Tala. Barakah is somehow a hidden treasure towards which all people look and make every effort to find it and get it.

Islamic Dua For Barakah
Islamic Dua For Barakah

Every person whether he is on the highest position in government and has the biggest salary and the person who earn less both are complaining that barakah has been taken away from their money. Barakah is a hidden treasure but not lost money. It is in front of every person the point of time is to work for it. The work should be hard work, not work through illegal and in a corrupted way.

The treasure of barakah is available and is waiting for the person who can handle it. First and most important to get barakah in your life is that you must have good intention for the wealth you will get after barakah in your money from Allah. Your purpose of barakah should be intended for the sake of Allah. You should be a strong believer in Allah, and you should be having a fear of Allah in every intention.

If you fear Allah and do not fall prey to illegal means of getting wealth. Then Allah promises to give you Rizq from that source that you even do not have the imagination for that kind source. Second, you should have trust and full faith in Allah. Without complete confidence, you will get succeed to gain profit. Here is the Dua through which you can increase the barakah in your life;

  • Strat every work with “Bismillah hi-Rahmani
  • Make this dua every time after every farz Nimaz in a day;

“Allahumma Inni As Taluka Ilman Nafiaa, Warizqan Tuyiba, Waamilan Muttaqabbala”

 Dua For Barakah In Business

Dua For Barakah In Business, Business is the most sacred way of earning in Islam. Islam likes persons who earn their livelihood by doing business. Islam loves those people who do not make deterioration in their business. According to Islam, the customer should be shown all conditions of the product, wrongful and misrepresentation of products is sinful to act in Islam. This does not only take away the barakah of your business but also make you a guilty in front of Allah.

Allah will take strong action against those who were not doing a transparent business. There are also other factors which halt your business, such as the suspicious behavior of people who do not want to see your growing business. This will affects your business profit and can eradicate your business. If you’re going to maintain the same growth rate of your business, here is the Dua For Barakah In Business.

“Ya hayo ya Qayyum Berehmatika Astaghees.”

You can also recite Ayat number 14 of Surah Imran and Ayat number 29 of Surah Al-Fatir

Recite this dua at least three times after every Salah.

Dua For Barakah In Marriage Life

Marriage is an integral part of human life. It is true that everyone will get his/her soul mate at the right time on this earth. Allah has made everything in pairs on this earth. Allah has put a big responsibility on the shoulders of a wife. She can make the life of family heaven or hell. She can make his husband a successful, wealthy person or a poor man.

They have to do everything to acquire the love of their husband. You have given him a back so that he can lift himself from his losses. You have to act as a healer at that time for your husband. Because when all others are not there for your husband, particularly at the time of any loss, then only two hopes are left for a man.

One is Allah, and then next to his wife. So you have to console him at that time.  The loss can be due to different reason one reason would be the black Majic which has been done on your husband so that he will lose his job, relationships and will come on the road.

Marriages are often broken down due to black magic. So, to avoid disputes, fighting and bring blessing from Allah. You should do following Dua For Barakah In Marriage Life as below;

“Rabana Hablana Min Azwajina wa Zuri Yaatina Qurata Aaini Wajjalna Lilmuttaqeena Immam.”

This is the best Dua For Barakah In Marriage Life and to bring peace, prosperity, and happiness in your married life.

Dua For Barakah In Home Income

Allah says that I am right and accepts that which is good. Scholars have described it’s as that Allah tell to every person to earn money in a halal way. Making money through legal means is best for every person.

Scholars pointed out so much importance to halal way of earning that they are saying that if one person eats haram his, all body pasts will disobey Allah rules and regulations. When a person prays Allah for barakah in his wealth, Allah can fulfill his/her Dua For Barakah In Home Income.

But the condition for the fulfilling of persons wish is that his/her intentions should be good. If your family is not in a stable financial position, you can p/ray Allah, and he can put barakah in your wealth. You should pray Allah this dua in every Farz Nimaz. The Dua For Barakah In Home Income is below;

“ Warzukkna Waiantt Khairrur Raaziqeen”

Recite this Ayat Number 114 from surah Al-Maida. Insha Allah, your family income will increase.

Wazifa To Remove Bad Luck

Review Islamic Dua For Barakah.

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Molana have more then 35 year of Islamic healer experience, thousand of peoples are now living great life by help of molana. according to molana quran has solution of all problems, but you need to follow quran truly. molana belief humanity is a great power and this is written in quran also. currently molana staying in a small mosque and doing social work by helping each others using power of quran.